The Wassily chair - INNOVATION

In a study group at Dellang’s contents 2 Dept., I worked on a personal project with the concept of the designer 'Marcel Breuer'.
The theme of the project was 'Bauhaus Designer'.
The theme of the project was 'Bauhaus Designer'.
The Wassily chair - which became a representative symbol of modernism and Bauhaus ideology in the 20th century, pursued simplicity and functional aspects of form.
Beyond the stereotype that furniture should be made of wood, I wanted to tell the design story of the Wassily chair, which was the beginning of the steel tube design, through a video.
형태의 단순함과 기능적인 면을 추구하던 20세기 모더니즘과 바우하우스 이념의 대표적인 상징이 된 바실리체어. 가구는 나무로 만들어야 한다는 고정관념을 넘어, 철관 디자인의 시초가 된 바실리체어의 디자인 스토리를 영상으로 풀어내었습니다.



Making of

Production : Dellang
Concept Development : Eunjun
, Green Han
3D Director : Hyunsoo Kim
3D Design & Animation : Hyunsoo Kim
Support : Dellang 3D Team
3D Director : Hyunsoo Kim
3D Design & Animation : Hyunsoo Kim
Support : Dellang 3D Team