In April 2023, Kia launched its digital specification subscription service, Connect Store.
A safer and more convenient mobility life through Connect Store.
A safer and more convenient mobility life through Connect Store.
"Bold for Nature" in harmony with nature, "Technology for Life", enhancing human life.
Delicious Langor has interpreted Kia's design philosophy and incorporated it into the key visual images.
Delicious Langor has interpreted Kia's design philosophy and incorporated it into the key visual images.
2023년 4월 기아는 디지털 사양 구독 서비스 Connect Store를 런칭 하였습니다.
Connect Store를 통한 보다 안전한, 더욱 편안한 모빌리티 라이프."자연과 조화되는 대담함 Bold for Nature", "인간의 삶을 위한 기술 Technology for Life"
딜리셔스랑고는 기아의 디자인 철학을 해석하여 키 비주얼 이미지에 담았습니다.

Making of

Client : KIA
Production : Delicious Langor
Director : Eunjun Gim
Art Director : Kyungrae Yu
Art Director : Kyungrae Yu
Project Manager : Wanjae Jeon
Producer : Soonshin Yi, Jaedong Jeon
3D Artist : Kyungrae Yu, Green Han, Hyunsoo Kim, Jihyun Min, Seonyong Kim, Euiryoung Hwang